Saturday, April 24, 2010

Home Study Visit # 3

Things seem to be going quite steadily and so far, so good. We are not finding the sessions too intimidating but we aren't sure of what is to come!

We have both had our medicals this week and DH's is finished. I have one more session on Monday with the GP. In all, we will have had 1.5 hours each to get the application forms completed. I am hoping it will all be plain sailing......

The third home study visit has been and gone this week too. We were given lots of scenarios and we had to read them out aloud and then discuss amongst us what action we would take - e.g. your adopted son's birth mother has been murdered. It is her funeral next week... What do you tell him?

Some of the scenarios are real eye openers and take some thought. Thankfully she complimented us on our choices and said that she found that DH and I complement each other and work well together - so that was a good brownie point.

We have also been sent a massive 9 page personal questionnaire, which we both have to complete separately. It is a little intimidating and asks for your views on not only your own relationship, your parents' parenting style and childhood, but also about your sexual relationship! Bit too much information me thinks...

We are back in the UK for a family visit next week but have already got three more sessions lined up for when we get back. The first one is just DH and SW together (without me) and then the following week it is me and SW (without DH), and the third one is all together. That will take us up to # 6, so we might not have too many to go after that.

I have booked a pitch at the local car boot sale when we get back, so I am trying to de-clutter!


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Home Study Visit # 2

After a delay in getting started, we finally started our second home study visit. We started off chatting about our support network - family, friends and colleagues who we could rely on physically and emotionally.

We then did a preliminary health and safety questionnaire, highlighting a few areas which would require some work before panel - e.g. cupboard and drawer locks and oven locks in the kitchen; stair gates; fire extinguisher etc etc

We were reminded that we needed to get the 3rd bedroom cleared of all the clutter and I tried to pin the SW down to timeframes. I thought we would have 6 months or so to get it cleared but SW reckons 2-3 months maximum, so we'd better get cracking.... if only DH would let me in there!

We have today received in the post a Child Protection long distance study pack. One each, which needs to be completed and the test papers sent back to the UK for marking. Apparently it is new procedure for all new adopters to complete. I am not moaning - it can only help can't it.

We have just joined the BAAF and Be My Parent magazine. There are quite a few children on the online version - two come to mind. One is a 1 year old 'dual heritage' boy who sounds lovely and is really cute. The other is a sibling group of 3 boys - aged 12, and twins of 4 yrs. I think the first one is more suitable at the moment as three boys are likely to be such a shock after no kids!
